Looking Back on Last Year's Wedding Photo Shoot w/ Elise & Joe

It’s been just about one year since we staged The Lodge for a wedding photo shoot,

The point of this shoot was to show how the space could look, to market for wedding bookings and to get some professional photographs of the lodge itself. I invited photographer Sarah Wintle, an old friend from college, out to do the shoot and we had a ball with Elise & Joe who stepped in last minute to model. And great news, it worked! We used many of these images when I first created our AirBnB listing for the space and I’m happy to share that we’ve been happily booked out ever since. I’ve replaced many of them now because the space is forever changing, seemingly at lightning speed. But this album is what helped us get started! I’m also happy to share that we now have a few weddings booked for next year as well! It’s incredible and wonderful to look back on the state of things only one year ago and see just how far we’ve come since then! I hope you enjoy flipping through these as much as I have.


I finally got around to cleaning the wedding dress we used and I’ve currently got it listed for sale!

CLICK HERE to see the Facebook Marketplace listing! Thanks!


The Order Has Been Placed!


We're Making a Calendar!